The Journey….

My whole life has been defined by uprooting—constant packing and unpacking, moving to different countries, and traveling around the world.

The nomadic life was all I knew, and it became my way of coping, a distraction from facing the deep despair I had carried for as long as I can remember.

I didn’t understand what grounding meant. I saw it as something mundane, a boring way of living meant for “normal” people.

But grounding—feeling like you belong to a community and to the land you live on—is something I’m learning to embrace. Slowly, I’m opening up and surrendering to this way of being.

It all began when I became a mother. Having children was a rude awakening for someone who found safety in running away. Suddenly, I was rooted in place, tied to the demands of caring for a tiny human. It was a world-shattering experience.

For three long years, I struggled to arrive fully in motherhood. I often wished I hadn’t chosen this path. Lost in despair, I questioned everything—my choices, my identity, and how to escape what felt like a prison. These thoughts brought me face-to-face with the darkest, densest parts of myself.

But in that darkness, I found the pieces of me I had long avoided—the parts I didn’t want to feel or accept. They were waiting for me in the shadows, asking to be seen.

I began to speak to these parts of myself with love. I learned to hold them, to embrace them.

And that was the start of my healing.

By integrating the pieces I had spent years running from, I found a profound sense of peace and freedom.

To simply feel, to acknowledge that I was hurt and deeply broken, opened a door to a new reality.

In this reality, I learned to be present—to bathe in the moment with peace. My emotional body, once an enemy I tried to suppress, became a teacher and a guide, showing me what I needed to learn.

Feelings are not something to fear. They are a portal to the present moment, an invitation to connect with your heart and uncover the light that is uniquely yours.

The journey has been excruciating at times. There were moments I wished I could escape life altogether, to be free from the pain. But looking back now, I see how worth it all has been.

It has been 2 years and 5 months of living rooted in Tāmaki, and I am deeply grateful for this land and its people. This is the home I have been searching for all my life.

On this land, I am discovering my authentic self—shedding layers each day and evolving into the person I was always meant to become whilst being a healthy mother to my children.

I am on a journey to bring more experiences, events and my coaching work rooted to somatic/feeling based healing to Tāmaki.

With love


Women’s Worth