Women’s Worth

Today, I had a conversation about women’s worth—how society often values us only when we stay small, thin, and pretty while cleaning, cooking, raising children and working.

The pressure to conform, to fit into this narrow mold, is suffocating. It makes me wonder how many women have spent their lives chasing an impossible ideal, never feeling good enough simply because they didn’t fit into a box that was never made for them in the first place.

For generations, women have done what they could to survive within the expectations of their time. Whether it was following beauty standards, fulfilling family duties, or sacrificing their dreams to support others, they adapted to the constraints of their era. But even now, with all the progress we’ve made, I see women carrying the weight of these old beliefs.

In my coaching practice, I’ve met women in their 50s and 60s who have spent their entire lives at war with their bodies.

They feel lost, not knowing who they truly are after decades of being told their worth lies in how they look, how much they do, or how well they fit into someone else’s idea of “worthy.” It’s heartbreaking to see the scars left by years of self-denial, of silencing that inner voice that knows what they truly need.

I understand this all too well because I’ve been on this journey myself. Growing up, my worth was tied to how much I helped—looking after my sister, doing house chores, always “doing.” I believed I had to constantly achieve to earn love and belonging. And for a long time, I didn’t question it. It felt normal to push myself, to keep going, to ignore the exhaustion and unhappiness brewing inside me.

But over time in my adulthood, I began to notice the pattern. I would push myself until I was so unhappy that I’d pick fights, feeling resentful and drained. I blamed others at first, thinking they were demanding too much of me. But eventually, I realised something profound: it wasn’t anyone else driving me into this cycle—I was the one holding the whip. I was the one telling myself I wasn’t enough unless I did more.

That awareness changed everything. I’ve learned to pause and ask myself: What do I want? What does my body need? What feels right to me in this moment?
These questions have become my way of reclaiming my worth of breaking free from the need to please others or fit into their expectations. I’ve stopped living for external validation and started honoring myself for who I am, as I am.

And I see this shift happening all around me. More and more women are waking up to the lies we’ve been sold about beauty and worth. We’re letting our grey hair shine, allowing our bellies to relax, taking up space, questioning everything, and standing unapologetically in our truth. We’re realising that our worth has nothing to do with how we look or what we accomplish. It’s intrinsic. It’s sacred.

This isn’t just about personal growth—it’s a collective awakening. The way we live, the choices we make, and the love we show ourselves ripple out far beyond what we can see.

Sisterhood is evolving, consciousness is rising, and together, we are redefining what it means to be worthy.

So, when you make a decision, I want you to remember this:

You are worthy simply because you exist.

Your uniqueness in this universe is enough.

You don’t have to prove your worth to anyone.

Let every choice you make reflect that truth. Whether it’s saying no to something that doesn’t align with your heart, embracing the parts of yourself you’ve been taught to hide, or simply taking a moment to breathe and honor where you are—you are enough.

We are enough. As we are. Right now

with love,



The Journey….